Message for February 11, 2023

Message topic: There is only one way to get rid of sin. Scripture text: Romans 5: 12-21. Today, we are living in the most advanced technical age of man’s existence: to the point that the knowledge exist that when one is born with abnormality internal or external and desire to live a normal life, that … [Read more…]

Message for January 21, 2023

Topic: Be Encouraged Scripture text: 1st Thessalonians 5: 11-13 The Israelites under the leadership of Joshua were not always following his commands, so he said to them: Have not I commanded thee? Be strong; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wither soever thou goes. Life can … [Read more…]

Message for December 31, 2022

Message topic: What’s Your Destination?  Scripture: John 6: 41-47 Jesus is the only way to heaven: no one comes to the Father except through me: coming to Jesus means a change of heart and life. we must turn away from the wrong things we think and do, things that displeases God: called sin: we must … [Read more…]

Message for December 24, 2022

Message topic: Can the love of God be seen in you?  Scripture: 1st. Corinthians 13: 4-7 I believe that one of the most misunderstood word people use in our language is the word love: are there any ways that we can learn the true meaning of the word love? How does God’s love differ from … [Read more…]

Message for December 17, 2022

Message topic: Can the love of God be seen in you?  Scripture: 1st. Corinthians 13: 4-7 I believe that one of the most misunderstood word people use in our language is the word love: are there any ways that we can learn the true meaning of the word love? How does God’s love differ from … [Read more…]