Message for July 29, 2023: What is sin?

Message topic: What is sin? Scripture text: Numbers 14: 37-43 It matters not what is your background, your origin, or your religious background, one of the most lacking qualities of our lives is understanding. The wisest man who ever lived, left these words concerning understanding for us as recorded in (Proverbs 4: 5-7) get wisdom, … [Read more…]

Message for June 10, 2023 Who is the Holy Spirit

Message topic: Who is the Holy Spirit Scripture text: Acts 5:1-5 One of the most dominant things that is lacking among Christians today concerning the bible is understanding. The wisest man that has ever lived was Salomon, and he has this to say about understanding in proverbs 4: 1-7. Hear you children the instruction of … [Read more…]