Message for February 10, 2024: As Christians, are we seekers or followers?

Message topic: As Christians, are we seekers or followers?

Scripture text: Matthew 7:7-11

Before we can answer this question correctly, we must first have the true meaning of the words seek and follow: most of the English- speaking people in the world will tell you that one of the meanings of the word seek is to explore, to look for something or someone.

It could also mean to track down, trace the movement of someone or seek to find a better or easier way to make a living, as we know that to seek is not only for physical things, as we find these words in (Matthew 7: 7-8.)

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asked receives; and he that seeks finds, and he who knocks it shall be open.

Our original question is, as Christians, are we seekers or followers? we have the answer for seekers, so who are we, followers? We follow by come or go after in order to catch, chase or pursue. So how do we answer the question: as Christians should we be seekers or followers.

It is known that Matthew 7 is part of what is commonly called the sermon on the mount, it’s a description of the truly righteous life, an out- line of the law of Christ when Jesus says, ask and it will be given to you. Continual prayer is in view (Matthew 7; 7) prayer is how we communicate our needs and desires to God. Of course, God bring omniscient, knows what Christians need whether they ask or not, but prayer is the means God has chosen to bring about those answers.

Jesus is not saying that believers always get what they ask for, that is not always so: however, the more time a Christian spends in communion with God, the more he or she will know what to ask for in accordance with God’s will: because, when we pray, we are really talking to God.

Prayer in and of itself does not produce sanctification, an increasing holiness in a believer’s life, but it does show a dependence on God for needs that can be met no other way. God is always pleased with such displays of faith. It is only faith in what God can do, and what Christ has done, that brings about true sanctification, not an artificial self-righteousness.

Jesus went on to say, seek, and you will find: what is it believers ought to be seeking? it is God Himself! You have said, seek my face, my heart says to you, your face Lord do I seek. (Psalm 27-8)

The young lion suffer want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing (psalm 34: 10). Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually! (Psalm 105:4) blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart. (psalm 119: 2). God is not hiding from his children.

His heart’s desire is for us to persistently and passionately look for Him all around us. and when we do, He promises He will be found (proverbs 8:17) seeking is a matter of paying attention with an engaged mind and acute awareness. Earlier in the sermon on the mount, Jesus said to seek first His kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33) Seeking God’s kingdom means putting God’s plan before our own; seeking God’s righteousness means setting a priority on personal holiness and desiring to be sanctified.

As Jesus traveled through Israel urging people to repent and believe the gospel, follow me’ was a constant refrain in his message. At the beginning of His ministry, he called his first disciples with clear command, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

As His ministry progressed, He told the crowds, if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34) at the end of his earthly ministry, he recommissioned the repentant Peater with the words, follow me”(John 21:19)

What does it mean to follow Jesus? Following Jesus begins when we respond to his call to repent and believe the gospel. The Good news that God loves us and has taken the initiative to reconcile us to himself by giving his Son to atone for our sins, awakens us to God’s grace and moves us to want to live for Christ and follow-  Him.

When we turn our attention to what the bible shows us about how to actually follow Jesus in daily life, two things stand out immediately: understanding and obeying his teaching and following his example. Let’s ask ourselves this question: are we following his teachings? Or, are we doing things our own way?

Where in the bible can we find any scripture that teaches or talks about following Jesus? There are many verses in the bible that bring definition to what following Jesus truly looks like.

In Mark (8: 34-35) we find these words: calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, if any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me, for whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

Jesus was speaking to a crowd about the cost of following him, in fact, he said in the following verses that those who would be ashamed of him and his words would be rejected on the other side of this life. Jesus gave three actions-commands for following Him: We must deny self: take up their cross, then Follow him.

The first step in following Jesus is to forget one’s self and interests this completely goes against your flesh’s desire, because your flesh will tell you to put self- first; to seek out your own interests. But Jesus beckons us to a different way of life: He calls us to a life that puts aside self to seek God and serve others.

After denying self, we are to take up the cross, which essentially means to conform to the example Jesus showed when He sacrificed himself on the cross. Again Jesus modeled the sacrifice of self for the salvation of others.

At its core, this verse commands us to forget our self and interests, conform to the example of sacrifice and follow Jesus, no matter the cost, to do so as verse 35 says, is to save one’s life.

The question you must ask yourself when following Jesus is would I rather sacrifice eternal sacrifice for temporary satisfaction or temporary satisfaction for eternal security? Or as Matthew Henry puts it, we must dread the loss of our souls.

In John chapter one, starting at verse six we find these words; there was a man sent from God, whose name was John: the same came for a witness, to bear witness of the light, that all men through him might believe. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the light, that all men through Him night believe.

When the authorities in Jerusalem learned of the work that John the Baptist was doing, they sent priests and Levites to enquire if he was the messiah for whom they were waiting: his answer was I am not.

One day as John and two of his disciples stood and look, they saw one walking, and he said, behold the lamb of God, then these two disciples of John began to follow Jesus. Then Jesus turn and asked, what are you seeking? Then they answer, Master where are you staying, or living? His answer was come and see.

 One of the two which began to follow Jesus was Andrew who found his brother Simon Peter and said to him, we have found the Messiah. We are no more seekers, we are followers of the Messiah.

What about you and I? are we still seeking for a savior to guide us back to God in whose image we were made?