Message for January 21, 2023

Topic: Be Encouraged

Scripture text: 1st Thessalonians 5: 11-13

The Israelites under the leadership of Joshua were not always following his commands, so he said to them: Have not I commanded thee? Be strong; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wither soever thou goes.

Life can be full of challenges, sorrows, and tough decisions, but even amidst these  hardships, the Lord counsels us his children to be strong and courageous.

Understanding the words of Joshua 1-9 to the Israelites can help us face hard things with faith and confidence; but what does it means to be strong and have good courage, but what is courage?

Courage means trusting in something as your source of strength: in Joshua’s case, he did not have all the answers for the challenges before him, but he was counseled to go forward anyway, acting in faith.

Like Joshua, we seldom have all the answers to our personal challenges, but God promises that when we turn to him for guidance, we will find Him waiting to help us; He is all powerful and all knowing, and He has all the answers to what ever problems we may have,

He is never tired and he is willing to help whoso ever will put their trust in Him as they hear His promises to whosoever that comes to Him.

What is it that we as believers in Christ Jesus need to trust him for? is it faith or is it courage? But what is the difference?

The difference between faith and courage is that faith is credibility or a conviction, a belief that something is true or real, not contingent upon reason or justification, while courage is the quality of a confident character, not to be  afraid. courage is to encourage.

Can lack of courage or faith harm us in anyway? Yes, it was lack of both courage and faith that kept the Israelites wondering in the wilderness for forty years after they left Egypt.

Moses when he reached the border of Jericho, he sent twelve spies into land to see what it was like and to bring back report so that they would know how to attack them in battle.

After forty days they return with two positive report, and ten negative, not to attack, so the people kept wondering in the wilderness for forty years.

Joshua became the leader of the people after the death of Moses, and one of his most interesting statements to the Israelites are found in Joshua 24: 14-15 in these words.

Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in the land of Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.

If it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are dwelling: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Now after the people had settled in the land of promise, God gave them judges and prophets to encourage them in the ways of the lord, reminding them to have faith and courage in the God of Moses and Joshua and gave them a new land.

One of the great prophets was Isaiah, who encouraged them to look for one who is far greater than Moses or Joshua who led them out of bondage in Egypt to a land of plenty, but there is much more better things to come if they will have faith and be courageous.

He will be called the Messiah, and his roll will be so great, that it even extends to us today, that is why we are told to have faith in the Messiah and be courageous in following his commands daily.

What about you and I today, we often remarks that the people of the old testament era were foolish for not following the words of their leaders: we saw what happened to them, and have their experiences: are we paying attention to the guidelines set for us today?

The people of the Old Testament era were told of the coming Messiah, we are in the extended era of when the Messiah did come and dwell among us as a man and left his life examples for us to follow, but how many of mankind today are taking heed to his words.

Even those of us who say we have heard his call to follow and say yes we will, yet we are choosing what we will do when and how, or that which pleases us.

Let us not forget that the Messiah before he leaves said that he will return to pay every man according as his work shall be weather it be good or evil.

We today do not have only the messages of the patriots and the prophets, but we have the Apostles who spend much time with the Messiah who is the redeemer of all mankind, and they left for us the message of what he would have us to do.

We as believers in Christ Jesus as our Redeemer, do we have enough faith in  Him and enough courage to trust take Him at His words? Do you have enough courage to carrion?

Daniel Towner the hymn righter has these courageous words for us; when we walk with the Lord in the light of his words, what a glory He sheds on our way, while we do His good will, He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey: so trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.